Saturday 4 April 2015

The Blink Tag, Asterisk, Caduceus

1. The Origin of the <blink> Tag

Back in the late '90s, I remember coming across the blink tag. It was horrible. Flash flash flash all over the place. Yuck. Well, today I found out how it came about in a Friday night discussion at a bar. The next morning, it had already been implemented in the UNIX version of Netscape! It spread to the Windows and Mac versions and was release with no fanfair. People found out and sadly the web became full of flashy nastiness!

2. Etymology of Asterisk

The word "asterisk" comes Late Latin asteriscus and Greek asteriskos which means little star. Compare with astro- for words related to the stars.

3. Caduceus

I learnt today that this symbol:

is called the caduceus, which comes from the Greek for herald's staff. It was carried by Hermes, the messenger of the gods.

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