Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Shoes on the Bank of the Danube, iframes, The Fold

Shoes on the Bank of the Danube

Today I read about the sculpture of shoes on the bank of the Danube in Budapest, where 70 years ago Jews were forced to take off their shoes before being shot so they fell into the Danube which carried their bodies away. The article The Shoes on the Danube Promenade – Commemoration of the Tragedy goes into more detail.


When you use an iframe on a page, it can access things on the page. However if the content on the iframe is from a different server, security protocols kick in and the iframe no longer has access to the rest of the page.

The Fold

Where is the fold? The website I am the fold measures the window height of all visitors to the site showing a large range of sizes. Gave me something to think about concerning designing for the fold, when it's not at all clear where it might be.

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