1. Lace Stitch
It took me five attempts to get the first row right on this stitch. I kept missing yarn overs and ending up with somewhat arbitrary numbers of stitches. Lace stitch is a two row pattern, working on x stitches where x = 1 (mod 4).
- purl (wrong side)
- knit 1, (yarn over, slip one as if to knit, knit two together, slip the slipped stitch over the knit two together, yarn over, knit)* repeat
2. Long Tail Cast-On
I've always hated casting on. Well, that was until I came across long tail cast on. It gives a nice even edge and is quick and easy to do once you get the hang of it.
3. Lifeline
One of the reasons I prefer crochet over knitting is it's so much easier to recover from a mistake and undo several rows. When I try this with knitting, I drop stitches, get the stitched twisty or just get in a horrible mess. Well, I just learnt about a lifeline. What you do is slip a thin yarn through all the stitches on a row so that if you do make a mistake, you can easily pick up from that row again! I wish I'd known this when I was trying the lace stitch and had to cast on six times in the end to just do a small sample!
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