Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Knitting: Reverse Stockinette Stitch, Seed Stitch, Double Seed Stitch

1. Reverse Stockinette Stitch Stripe

Reverse stockinette stitch is a six row pattern on any number of stitches. The first time I did this, I missed the last knit row so I ended up with the second panel reversed. My second attempt went a lot better, and it worked up nice and easily.

  1. knit
  2. purl
  3. knit
  4. purl
  5. purl
  6. knit

2. Seed Stitch

Seeds stitch is another knit and purl stitch, but this time it alternates along the row. It is a two row pattern on an even number of stitches.

  1. k1, p1
  2. p1, k1

3. Double Seed Stitch

It's a bit harder to remember which row you're on with double seed stitch. It has a repeat of four rows on an even number of stitches.

  1. k1, p1
  2. k1, p1
  3. p1, k1
  4. p1, k1

Hope and Inspiration

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