Just a few odds and ends today.
Don't swim in open water for two weeks after having a tattoo as it could kill you! Since tattooing breaks the skin, there is a chance of infection. This has led to ,a href="http://edition.cnn.com/2017/06/02/health/tattoo-infected-sepsis-death-vibrio-study/index.html">death in a man who swam in the Gulf of Mexico a five days after getting a tattoo.
A chimera is caused by embryos merging in the first 24-48 hours after conception. One embryo could be male and the other female making an xx/xy person.
The Toff's Error
Using 'I' instead of 'me' such as in "They invited the wife and I" is incorrect and is called the Toff's error as some people who do it think it sounds posh. (Source: My Grammar and I (or should that be 'Me'?) by Caroline Taggart and J. A. Wines)
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