Friday, 2 June 2017

Hammerum Girl's Dress, Pointing and Calling

Hammerum Girl's Dress

In 1993, some late Roman Iron Age (AD 200-400 AD) graves were discovered. In one of them, there were textiles. The video below shows how the dress of the so called Hammerum Girl was created and would have looked. It includes shearing the sheep, making a spindle, spinning the yarn, making the loom weights, setting up the loom, weaving the fabric, card weaving the trim, sewing the dress up, and finally how to wear it.

Japanese Pointing and Calling

In order to cut down mistakes, a practice in Japan is to point and call when doing a task. Instead of just looking at a dial to check it, say speed, you point at it and say the speed. If you are checking a train track for obstacles, you point up and down the track and follow the pointing with your eyes. This technique had cut down errors by 85%. It seems crazy that this is not done elsewhere, but apparently people are too embarrassed. It's tragic that embarrassment is more important that reducing mistakes and improving safety.

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