Friday 8 May 2015

Preventing Curling in Tunisian Crochet, Reverse Stitch, Yeast

Preventing Curling and Reverse Stitch

Continuing with Tunisian crochet, I found some tips to prevent rolling. You can work into the back of the chain, do some rows in reverse stitch at the beginning and end of the sample, and use a hook two or more sizes bigger than recommended for knit/crochet. This worked quite well on the small sample I did of reverse stitch. I'm working my way through this play list by Kim Guzman


Yeast is all around us. A particularly good source is oak bark.

In a commercial environment, it takes four days to produce 30,000 kg from just 0.1g of yeast and huge quantities of sugar! The yeast doubles its numbers every three hours.

Dried yeast keeps for two years. Live yeast in a block keeps for about a month.

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