Saturday, 9 May 2015

Crush Syndrome, Ebola and Eyes, Sommardojorna

Crush Syndrome

In response to a massive injuries, the body releases toxins which can cause the kidneys to shut down as they try to filter them out of the blood.

Ebola and Eyes

It's possible for Ebola to remain in the eye even though the person is clear of it in their blood. For the case mentioned in the linked report, it was not present in tears or other external bodily fluid so it would not be spread by casual contact.


Today I learnt some Swedish slang which my mother-in-law used when changed her winter tyres to summer tyres. The word she used was sommardojorna. Sommar is summer. Dojor is slang for shoes and it comes from a language used by chimney sweeps to communicate while inside someone's house.

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